Selasa, 30 November 2010

noteworthy notes!


If yesterday's round up of The Initiation of Sarah proved anything, it proved that I need to choose another film for da Film Club...and so I have. I can't believe this puppy showed up on Netflix instant watch; I've been wanting to see this movie forever, and now there's nothing stopping me. NOTHING. People, let us partake in the glory that is the blaxploitation zombie flick...


photo courtesy of the ever-so-fine Cinebeats

Yes, the last Film Club gathering for 2010 (holy crap) will be this gem from 1974. I cannae wait, lads n' lassies. CANNAE.

The movie: Sugar Hill (1974)
The due date: Monday, December 20
What you do:
  1. Review the movie on your site. Add a link to Final Girl in there somewhere. If you've reviewed the film before, that's fine- but you must retrofit your review with a link to FG to be included in my round-up.
  2. Email your link to me at stacieponder at gmail dot com. Put 'film club' or some such in the subject line.
  3. Bask in the warm, glowing, warming glow of Film Club Day. Easy, breezy, et cetera et cetera.
In non-Film Club news, I figured I'd barf up a link-n-reminder about Diet! Diet! My Darling! know, that fashion doll slasher flick of mine that's in pre-production. I'm announcing some cool cast members and raisin' some sweet, sweet dough-re-mi over there, so check it out! Spread the love like it's a communicable disease!

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