Senin, 03 Mei 2010

an open letter


I posted about this over yonder on the Pretty-Scary forums, but I think it bears mentioning here. You see, I am what you might call "irked". I said:

I'm fucking tired of indie (and even not-so-indie) horror filmmakers acting as if they're OWED space on my site, as if I should feel privileged to have the opportunity to post about their work. I don't mean people offering to buy ad space, I mean people sending me a "post about this!" message. What they want, basically, is free advertising.

I run a blog, not a news site. I don't post about every new thing that comes down the line. I don't make any money off of Final Girl. I don't run ANY kind of advertising on it, including Google AdSense. Although money is nice, I like my site this way. A couple of times I've been approached by video game companies who offer free games in exchange for a post- I've done this, and in those posts I'm very up front about whoring my site out for a free video game. I'd whore out my cats for free video games! I'd whore out your cats for free video games.

But when I get an email (or, worse yet, a comment on a post, as I did today) that isn't even a press release- something that just says, basically, "Great blog! I would love for you to feature my movie." it really rubs me the wrong way. Should it? I don't know. I hate the fake praise, and the lack of personalization. At least SPAM spam is amusing- this is just gross. I mean, NO SHIT you would like me to feature your $5 movie. Again, it's free advertising. I know it's tough out there for the little guy to get attention, but at least send a legit fucking press release- it's a bit more professional. But don't fucking TELL me to post about your crap. Really, it makes me want to give them NO publicity, and I want to ignore the movie itself completely.

A comment?? At least take the time to find my email address, which is linked on my site.

Now, let me say this: I really do understand indie filmmakers (or their cronies) sending out press releases or emails to draw attention to their work. If you don't put the word out yourself, you run the risk that no one will ever see your website or your trailer or what have you. I get it. Shoot me an email, by all means. I'll check it out, and if it's something super awesome or something I dig or I want to post about it, believe me, I'll post about it. I've gotten many, many emails, however, that say little more than "Post about this!", as if I have to. Guess what? I don't have to. 

I got fucking hounded by some douchey indie-producer about posting a trailer for some movie, to the point where they actually pulled out the "These other blogs (yes, they named names) have posted about it and we'd REALLY APPRECIATE it if you would post about it, too." card, as if peer pressure would kick me into action. It didn't. 

I like spreading the word. I like the idea that I might be able to introduce anyone reading this to a movie or filmmaker. It's good. It's "community" and good karma and all that shit. But honestly, I'm not going to give free publicity to people who expect it. I don't care if every other blog in the horrorverse posts about it. THIS IS NOT A NEWS SITE. I'm not in this for blog hits or to get "in" with filmmakers or what the fuck ever. Point me to your work, and if I want to write about it, I will. End of story.

But for fuck's sake, do it in an email. If you leave a random comment on a post saying "Here's my work, here's my website, great blog!", I will not publish it. Unless I'm drunk, or in one of those "Eh, what's the harm?" moods...then, 20 minutes later, I'll remember that you're being a leechy a-hole and I'll delete the comment. Finding my email address, which is linked on this site, is not difficult. 

I bid you good day.

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